Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Busy busy...

We've been busy lately. We enjoyed a Dave Matthews concert a week ago and then got ready for Ro Ro to come to town. She came in on Tuesday and then Wednesday we took off for Mud Island - which is a park downtown Memphis along the Mississippi River. There is a 5 block long exact replica of the Mississippi River that you can play in. Since we haven't had much rain recently, the water was low, but the kids still had a great time. We took a picnic lunch and ate it at the mouth of the Gulf of Mexico (remember, I said replica...) and then we for a ride on a paddleboat in the Gulf. It was a lot of fun.

Ethan and Ro Ro played "airport" a lot this visit. His imagination is very vivid! Nina also loved having Ro Ro here, and by the end of the week both kids were quite spoiled. Friday evening Mark and I had a nice dinner out without the kids and came home and enjoyed watching the Opening Ceremonies for the Olympics. Ro Ro left Saturday morning and we had friends over Saturday evening. It was a busy week!View of the replica Mississippi River from the observation deckRiding the tram over to Mud Island - like in the movie The Firm It was HOT that day!!!This child LOVES to eat!! But who doesn't love chocolate chip cookies?!

Steering our paddleboat through the Gulf of MexicoEthan standing on the Memphis International Airport - all along the river, they have the cities that it goes through with all the street names, etc....it's really neat!
Crossing the I-40 bridge - and that long dark brown area is the Mud Island park where we were
Nina loved playing in the water
Before we even got out of the park, Nina was out! One of Nina's latest tricks...she thinks it's funny to stand up in her highchair - and can do this even while strapped in...it's rather annoying, but she's proud of herself.
We finally got a little rain (without a storm), so Ethan put his boots on and enjoyed running in the cul de sac for quite awhile through puddles.
Bye bye Ro Ro. Thanks for coming to visit! See you soon!

Ethan has been giving me fits lately with napping. So he didn't have a nap that day and was so tired, but still had to come downstairs after we put him in bed. Mark was in the shower and I was in the kitchen cleaning up. Mark came in the living room and found Ethan like this - we thought he was playing and was really awake....but he had fallen fast asleep! Challenging times!!!

I'm flying to Atlanta next week with the kids to spend some time with my Mom. My birthday is next week - and so is Allie's 5th! So we're looking forward to some celebrating! Mark is going to fly to Puerto Rico while we're gone - he has to do observation flights and this time he's going with a friend to San Juan. Doesn't sound like work to me! They'll have fun for sure! Oh, and Ethan starts preschool next Tuesday! He's so excited!!!


The Unlikely Homeschooler said...

oh the picture of Ethan asleep made me laugh. My daughter did that a few times. she knew she wasn't supposed to be up so she would 'hide' The first time hubby was out of town and I went to check on them before going to bed myself and she was no where to be found. I searched and searched and eventually found her sound asleep under the dining room table wedged in between all the chair legs... whew...I called hubby crying.
Mud Island looks like a blast!

Jodi Brinkley said...

cool place! The kids are looking so big. What type of preschool will Ethan be going to? Church? How many days? It's hard to believe he's already that old. Happy Birthday if I don't run into you next week!

King Family said...

Mud Island does look fun. Nina looks like she has grown so much since we have seen her. We can't wait to see you all.

Elizabeth S said...

Nina looks so much older with her longer hair! You look great too Mom! Campbell has also started standing up in her chair. You're right. It is annoying. Aren't they getting big!

Jana said...

I have never heard of Mud Island but it looks like fun. Glad you guys had a great time and good visit with RoRo. Can't believe how big the kids are getting. Hope to see you soon.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like ya'll have been busy for sure! That looks like a cool park. The kids are so cute & I was just telling Rosemary the other day I couldn't believe Ethan was getting ready to start preschool!!
He looks like Hayden falling asleep in weird places!
Hope to see you next week! :)

The Parker Family said...

That replica is incredible...I had no idea that was on Mud Island. How cool! Your kiddos are too cute.

Unknown said...

My goodness! I can't believe how much they have grown this summer! Ethan is getting taller and Nina's longer hair is so sweet. They look so happy!

Happy, happy birthday next week Mandy! Give your mom a kiss for me and get one right back for yourself!

I'm trying to get it worked out for Les to go on the trip with all of us next year. Won't that be fab?! Love ya'll!!

Courtney said...

Love all of the pictures! I wish I was going to be in town next week too! I would love to see you...Have fun and Happy Birthday!

David, Samantha and Kaori said...

What a neat place! Was that your first time going there? I think of you often and hope you are doing okay. I hope your birthday will be a nice day with your mom. Its another "first". Mom said that she had a nice convo with your mom last week. That is good. I am glad that they can be friends. Hope your have a nice flight!

Ryan said...

I'm glad that life is keeping you busy. Nina looks so cute in all these pictures, so does Ethan, but Nina is looking older. I hope Ethan loves preschool!!!

Sandy Wisenbaker said...

Nina has grown so much - are chocolate chip cookies all you're feeding that kid?? Sounds like a Todd Wisenbaker health plan. You need to visit your mom for Thanksgiving and run the Turkey Trot 1/2 marathon with me. :)

Shannon said...

Hey girl!! Call me if you get a chance before heading to Atlanta. Love the pictures and I'm glad you guys had a good visit! Ethan and Alex do so many of the same things it just cracks me up! I agree with everyone else about Nina looking so much bigger since the last time you were here!! Can't wait to see you either here or in HHI in a couple of weeks!